Monday, July 13, 2009

Movie Review: Bruno

The streak is over...thank you Sasha Baron Cohen. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever enjoy going to the movies again. I'm still getting shit because I didn't think the Hangover was that great...I am willing to give it another shot now that I am feeling better. It still surprises me that, at this day in age, people will still walk out of a movie. We have Rotten Tomatoes, movie trailers, news papers and the internet to inform us about what we are about to watch. Are there still people out there that walk up to a theater and just give it a little "eeni meeni mynee moe?" The people in my theater edured some of the worst stuff only to leave when the movie starts to lose it's shock. Not to say it's any less shocking at any point but you certainly become desisitized after seeing five minues of pigmy f-ing. This movie, much like Borat, is only for people who "get it." Cohen is just having fun of at the expense of all of us, which is exactly why he is so brilliant. The movie is not quite as good as Borat but it is still worth seeing. Final thoughts...see this movie, not for the dancing penis, do it to hear the groans as people walk out in discust. Also, If you liked Borat and Bruno you need to go rent Da Ali G Show it is better than either movie. I'll give it 4 uncomfortable homophobes walking out

1 comment:

Anthony said...

haha, yeah I was wondering the same thing when Amber said that people walked out. What did they expect to see?!
Ali G is classic!
Da Compleet First Seazon!

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