Monday, July 27, 2009

Urban Meyer Polk Theater

This Monday I had the honor of seeing one of the best college football coaches of my time. Last May Urban Meyer was scheduled to attend a speaking engagement/fund raiser for the Polk County Gator Club ,but was monsooned out. Since Polk county football appears to have a pipeline to UF, I believe he felt he might want to throw us a bone. So he returned for another try.
The event started out with a raffle of various signed memorabilia and then moved into some alum and booster speeches. Then came the VP of athletics promotion to get everyone hyped before Coach Meyers came out. He did his shpeel about the coach and then showed an awesome video. The video was a montage of plays from the previous season and locker room jumping around set to rap was bad ass. Urban then came out cracked some jokes and ran through the roster a bit. He then showed a video about leadership featuring President Obama. The video was taken from the teams visit to the White House after they won the National Championship this year. It was also a highlight reel of both the SEC Championship and the Orange Bowl. When that was over Coach Myer broke into his motivational mode and told the story of Black Hawk Down. He invited the commander of that mission to speak to the team this year in the off season to set the tone for the upcoming season. The gist was that you have to prepare for the tough times and hope for the best. The whole thing was short sweet and to the point. I imagine the guy is pretty busy seeing as how we are less than 50 days away from the start of the season. So it was pretty nice of him to take the time.
It's not hard for me to get excited for Florida Football, but this event just made it a little easier. Go Gators

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